Saturday, September 10, 2016

Famous Last Words: "I Edited My Writing"

Editing Your Own Writing
How many times have you finished writing an essay, short story, Facebook post, or even a text and thought to yourself that your words were well thought out, only to discover it does not even read as  English? The answer is all the time. My brain and my hands do not function with the same speed and capacity, which often results in gibberish. I am certain that this happens to everyone, despite our efforts to prevent such mistakes. When I have a writing assignment I always upload my paper to It is an online tool intended to catch mistakes within a writing sample that Word may have overlooked. Despite the fact that I read my paper, check Word for errors, put my paper through a variety of errors still get through the cracks. Reading your paper out loud is always a good way to catch grammatical errors, but when you have read something several times error tendencies may increase. The brain has the capability to read material as it is intended to be written rather than what is actually written. This is why it is helpful to do peer review among students. Someone who is readying your writing for the first time does not know what to expect, therefore their brain is depending on the actual writing to tell them what they are reading about. They are more likely to catch the grammatical errors your brain overlooked. I am looking forward to the storybook project feedback from peer review next week. This will allow us all to work out the problem areas of our writing. I will continue to check for writing errors through Word,, and reading out loud. If anyone comes across a mistake or two among my writing just remember my famous last words "I edited my writing."

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